Information Sheet #2, Week of September 12, 2005


Reading assignments:


Manouchehri and Lapp. “Unveiling Student Understanding: The Role of Questioning in Instruction,” Mathematics Teacher, 96(8) (November 2003), 562-66.  Have this article ready by Thursday, Sept. 15.  We will discuss the article and apply the ideas in it during class.

Excerpts from The Teaching Standards (NCTM) to be distributed in class on Tuesday, Sept. 13.  Have this handout read by Tuesday, Sept. 20.




Practicum assignment to be done during the week of September 12 – 16:


During your second visit to your practicum classroom, you are to focus on the “mode of instruction” being used during the class periods you are there.  Note the content that is the focus of the lesson and how it is being taught.

Remember to be as active during the class period as you can be.  This means being available to students if they are working in groups, working on a homework assignment, etc.  It’s a good idea to ask the teacher how you can be involved. 



Issue Paper – You are to have a probable topic for your issue paper on Tuesday, Sept. 13.



REMEMBER:  The student teaching meeting in the College of Education on Wednesday, Sept. 14.  Must register for and attend one of the meeting times.